Sunday, January 9, 2011

the grocery store

if i haven't yet, then let me tell you now i love grocery stores (especially the specialty ones).  i could stay there the entire day going through every aisle, skimming every brand of coffee, chili sauce, dark chocolate, body wash, tea, and other quirky stuffs.   this infatuation should be harmless except that the longer I stay there, the longer my list becomes with mostly i-just-realized-i-need-this items. you could imagine the husband not being pleased at all.

I make it a point to visit grocery stores in every place i visit.  i feel like a local when i'm inside one, wherever that may be.  and there's always a lot of interesting stuff in there, things not sold back home (like a carton of egg whites, would you believe?)

and it's good to know i'm not the only one out there who loves grocery stores. sara my sis does, too. she's particularly fond of Trader Joe's. good stuff.

what's your favorite store?


  1. Te, what's the name of that supermarket? Can you also post the picture you took of the "Raw foods" sign? :)

  2. these were taken @ Whole Foods and Trader Joe's in LA :)


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