Monday, December 23, 2013


2013, you were a joy.  I don’t know exactly why, but you felt good.  

You led me to several places, places I’ve never been to before.   I saw houseboats on beautiful canals, thousand year old temples, valleys and hills from the top of a mountain, the outline of islets from a cable car.  In all these places, I saw magic but only because I allowed myself to see it. 

You showed me that indeed, nothing worth getting and achieving comes easy.  And that if you push yourself outside your comfort zone, and you push your boundaries even just inch by inch, you will be rewarded with things you didn’t even imagine getting.  Then you reminded me that when you work hard, do not look so much on the reward or the outcome.  It will take care of itself. But you should take care of your heart, make sure it still is in the right place.  When it comes down to it, everything is about the heart.  Keep your values and motives in check.

2013, I feel privileged for having seen kindness and compassion up close - all those people wanting, even begging to give and be of help. There is always an opportunity to help and to be kind.  Start where you are with what you have.  I wish to see kindness and compassion become a movement in this country.  That would be the most powerful movement we will see. 2014, will you let that happen?

Thank you 2013 for the tiny victories. They are aplenty: good grades from the kids, graduations, Ezra doing his thing in the toilet, completed projects at home and at work, food trips and travels.  There were also major ones: our good health, my mother’s memory still working, budget on the green, a chance to build a new house again, solid friendships, a new church whose pastors disciple our family with their teaching and preaching.  I am thankful even more for our faith, the one thing that holds everything together for us and our true treasure.

You were awesome 2013, but it’s time you go. 

Hello, 2014! Be nicer to everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I share your sentiments te (and oh how you put them so beautifully!) :) Here's to a kind 2014 :D


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